18 loin or rib roasts, 3½-4 lbs apiece
5 lb onions
5 lb carrots
5 lb celery
54 cloves of garlic
2¼ cups oil
18 bay leaves
6 Tablespoons thyme
3 bundles parsley
6 Tablespoons rosemary
3 Tablespoons coriander
6 Tablespoons pepper
¼ cup salt
3 gallons of cider
¾ gallon cider vinegar
for the roasting
2 lbs bacon (optional)
18 lbs onions
60 lbs potatoes
6 lbs carrots
lots of sauerkraut
Dependent upon your supplier, the most economical way to prepare this dish may well be to purchase whole loins (averaging about 14 lbs), cut into four 3½ lb roasts. Some will be slightly more difficult to carve than others, but all will be moist and meaty.
It is highly recommended you have an accurate instant-read thermometer to test each and every roast for doneness. Personally, we recommend Component Design's simple digital Model DT300, available for $30 from suppliers, far superior to the flakey analog models you find in department stores. Taylor Precision has some similar professional thermometers which we'll be reviewing shortly.
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